Frequently Asked Questions
The Board of Governors (Employer) is currently engaged in binding arbitration with the Acadia University Faculty Association (AUFA) to finalize the 16th Collective Agreement between the parties. The content posted on this website is for informational purposes.
You will continue to receive government aid if you do not reduce your credit hours below the loan agreement you have with the provincial and federal loan agencies.
No, you will continue to receive institutional awards so long as you meet the requirements stipulated in your award. Acadia will not penalize students for time lost due to the strike.
The University will be providing appropriate compensation for the disruption to your studies. There are many factors, including the duration of the Faculty Association’s strike, how much instruction time was lost after the return to work plan is developed, and the extent to which the labour disruption impacts students that will be taken into consideration when assessing any refunds. We are working through the process now.
We regret the negative impact this had on the student experience, and we are pleased that classes have resumed and that the term can be completed on time.
It is essential to always take care of your health and well-being, particularly when faced with uncertainty.
Acadia's Counselling Services can help with anxiety related to the strike and anything else happening in your life. Students can access free and confidential counselling; please book an appointment with one of our counsellors and review wellness resources online. In addition, academic and first-year advising services will continue.
The uncertainty and conflict resulting from the collective bargaining process can cause anxiety. It is essential that you practice self-care and speak with your supervisor regarding your concerns and ways to alleviate them.
Human Resources has wellness newsletters and supports available on its website for you to consider, including an Employment Assistance Program.
Have a question?
Please email your question to the appropriate contact person below.